Daily Devotion Tuesday 4/7/20

Navigational tools


Scripture of the Day:  John 12:20-36


Daily Reminder:  If you walk in the darkness, you do not know where you are going. (v. 35)


My children insist GPS is not optional for me due to my poor sense of direction.  But I don’t use it very often.  I like the thrill of finding my way or remembering how to navigate a route I’ve driven before.  I also sometimes like to get lost,  discovering landscapes I didn’t know existed.  To a point.  Then I just want to get to my destination and relax.  Being lost for too long exhausts me.

The truth is, most day I don’t know where I’m going.  I don’t mean while driving or traveling but in life.  In parenting young men who are once my babies.  In following God’s call to seminary.  In the grief of widowhood.  Life’s travel’s don’t typically come with a map or a GPS.  I do know, though that Jesus urges me – as he urges the crowd in today’s reading – to navigate life by his light.

My prayer each day is that my sons and I will walk in the light of the Son of Man, following God’s way as our path through this sometimes confusing life.



God, may your Son, Jesus Christ, light my life’s path, pointing me to your kingdom.  In his name. Amen. 

Prayer Concern:  Travelers who are lost

Psalm 71:1-14; Isaiah 49:1-7; Corinthians 1:18-31


Daily Prayers

Morning:  Your death and resurrection are my strength and life, O Christ, raising me from fear into the joy of knowing that you are always near. May streams of peace and grace flow through my heart to all I touch this day.  Amen.


Mealtime:  Jesus, you blessed bread and broke it to open the eyes of faith to your loving presence.  Open our eyes to your presence at this table, that we may taste your goodness in the gifts you give and the love we share.  Amen.


Evening:  You, Lord, are my rest.  Only in you do I know the peace I crave.  I release every thought and care into your love.  Grant gentle rest this night, that I may rise to know you in the beauty of a new day.  Amen.


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This has been a daily devotion from the “Christ in Our Home” devotion book Vol. 67 No. 2.  Credit given to Heidi Hyland Mann, Laurie J. Hanson, and Julie O’Brien (editors) and devotion writers David L. Miller, Jenifer Ohman-Rodrigues, Christine Hallenbeck Ask, Nathan Baker-Trinity, Carla Thompson Powell, David Iversen, and Michael Walker.  Scripture readings are from the Revised Common Lectionary (c) 1992, 2012 Consolation on Common Texts.  Used by permission.  Texts specific to festivals and commemorations are used when appropriate. For more information about these days, see “More Days for Praise:  Festivals and Commemorations in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, available for purchase at www.augsburgfortress.org.  CHRIST IN OUR HOME (ISSN 0412-2968), published by Augsburg Fortress, 510 Marquette Ave., STE 800, Minneaplolis MN 55402.  Copyrighted material (c) 2019 Augsburg Fortress.  All rights reserved.  Printed in the USA.  USPS Publication Agreement Number 1631527.  Canadian Publication Agreement Number 40030418.
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