03 Apr Daily Devotion – Friday
When loved ones are conflicted
Daily Devotion – 04/03/20
Scripture of the Day: Philippians 1:21-30
Daily Reminder: You are standing…side by side with one mind for faith of the gospel.
Several of my relationship feel oppositional right now, which makes me sad. Some of the hurt comes from old scars. Other wounds are newer, still longing for healing. Yet these realationships remain dear to my heart. These loved ones and I are all of “one mind for the faith of the gospel”; we all embrace God as God of love. I want both my suffering and theirs to be healed through that love, lived out in Jesus, who cam to heal relationships and make our joy complete (John. 15:11). What does it look like to stand side by side in the love God with people from whom we feel distanced?
Sometimes Jesus comes alongside conflicted loved ones through others who love both partisan can stand with them as they move toward each other instead of farther apart. When we work through differences, practicing reconciliation and forgiveness, this too is living out the gospel. “And this is God’s doing,” says Paul(v.28).
God of love, move us to stand together, rooted in your love revealed especially through Jesus. Amen.
Prayer Concern: Loved ones estranged from each other
Job 13:13-19; Psalm 31:9-16
Daily Prayers
Morning: Your death and resurrection are my strength and life, O Christ, raising me from fear into the joy of knowing that you are always near. May streams of peace and grace flow through my heart to all I touch this day. Amen.
Mealtime: Jesus, you blessed bread and broke it to open the eyes of faith to your loving presence. Open our eyes to your presence at this table, that we may taste your goodness in the gifts you give and the love we share. Amen.
Evening: You, Lord, are my rest. Only in you do I know the peace I crave. I release every thought and care into your love. Grant gentle rest this night, that I may rise to know you in the beauty of a new day. Amen.
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