10 Apr Daily Devotion Friday 4/10/20
Good Friday
Scripture of the Day: John 18:1-19:42
Daily Reminder: When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they stepped back and feel to the ground. (18:6)
In the hours before his death, Jesus knows who he is. This might seem obvious, but especially in crisis it’s crucial to know who – and whose – we are.
Living in a big city and fearful of possible dangers, especially for women, I took a self-defense class. The instructor taught us to say “No!” with loud conviction to, hopefully, make a would-be attacker back away. Being able to voice who we were gave us a better chance to avoid a dangerous situation.
When soldiers approach asking for Jesus of Nazareth, his reply, “I am he”, indicates deep self-knowledge. he deliberately echoes God’s “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). Jesus has used this wording before: I am the light of the world; I am the gate for the sheet, I am the bread of life. The “I am” wording tells us he fully knows he is God’s Son doing God’s work. And in his case, the plan is not to evade harm but to lay down his life for the world.
Great “I AM”, may we always find our identity in you and your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer Concern: People just learning who Jesus truly is
Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12; Hebrews 10: 16-25
Daily Prayers
Morning: Your death and resurrection are my strength and life, O Christ, raising me from fear into the joy of knowing that you are always near. May streams of peace and grace flow through my heart to all I touch this day. Amen.
Mealtime: Jesus, you blessed bread and broke it to open the eyes of faith to your loving presence. Open our eyes to your presence at this table, that we may taste your goodness in the gifts you give and the love we share. Amen.
Evening: You, Lord, are my rest. Only in you do I know the peace I crave. I release every thought and care into your love. Grant gentle rest this night, that I may rise to know you in the beauty of a new day. Amen.
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